Private Lesson Policies
Membership vs. Pay-As-You-Go
MEMBERSHIP: Your weekly private lesson slot is always reserved and guaranteed for you. Members are eligible for special discounts (see Additional Lessons). Monthly tuition is based on the number of lessons each month. Tuition is collected on AutoPay on the 28th of the previous month. For example, if you are paying for lessons for the month of May, your payment would be collected on April 28th. If an AutoPay card is declined, and tuition remains unpaid, the account will be charged a 20% late fee 2 days after the payment collection was attempted. If the balance is not paid in its entirety within 7 days from the card decline, the student may not attend their lessons until payment has been made in full. It is the responsibility of the client to inform Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC of any expired cards, changes in card numbers, lost or stolen cards, etc. You can adjust your AutoPay credit card from the studio portal at anytime. Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC will not relinquish the payment responsibility of the client for any reason, nor will they authorize extended late payment plans. If an account remains unpaid for 30 days, the appropriate collections agency will be contacted.
PAY-AS-YOU-GO: Lesson times are scheduled first come first served, week by week, are based on availability and weekly lessons are not guaranteed. Only 1 lesson can be scheduled at a time on the Pay-As-You-Go plan. Payment is collected when each lesson is scheduled. Priority for lesson times is given to Membership students. If you must cancel your lesson, 24-hours notice is required. If 24-hours notice is given, you will be issued a make up credit for the class to be used to pay for your next Pay-As-You-Go lesson. In the event that you are not able to continue with your Pay-As-You-Go lessons a full refund will only be given if at least 24-hours notice of cancelation was given.
Tuition 2025
Lead Coaches have a minimum of a bachelors degree in their specialty from an accredited university and at least 8 years of teaching experience.
Lead Coach, Membership Pricing:
Weekly 30-Minute Private Lessons: $50 each; Average Monthly Tuition $200
Weekly 45-Minute Private Lessons: $70 each; Average Monthly Tuition $280
Weekly 60-Minute Private Lessons: $90 each; Average Monthly Tuition $360
Lead Coach, Pay-As-You-Go Pricing:
One (1) 30-Minute Private Lesson: $55 Per Lesson
One (1) 60-Minute Private Lesson: $95 Per Lesson
Associate Instructors have extensive training from professional coaches in their specialty and at least 2 years of teaching experience.
Associate Instructor, Membership Pricing:
Weekly 30-Minute Private Lessons: $40 each; Average Monthly Tuition $200
Weekly 45-Minute Private Lessons: $60 each; Average Monthly Tuition $280
Weekly 60-Minute Private Lessons: $80 each; Average Monthly Tuition $360
Associate Instructor, Pay-As-You-Go Pricing:
One (1) 30-Minute Private Lesson: $45 Per Lesson
One (1) 60-Minute Private Lesson: $85 Per Lesson
*45-Minute Lessons are not offered to Pay-As-You-Go students.
*Rates are subject to a small cost-of-living increase annually in January.
There is a $15 annual registration fee charged to all students on the 1st of January.
Monthly Membership payments are only accepted with AutoPay.
Payment for Pay-As-You-Go lessons is collected at the time of scheduling your appointment to secure your lesson time slot. Lessons will not be rendered unless payment is collected in advance.
There is a returned check fee of $25 if a check is returned to our bank for non-sufficient funds. If a payment is returned, the payee must bring all payments up to date, including the returned check fee, by the beginning of the student’s next lesson or within 7 business days, whichever comes first.
Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studios does not issue refunds of any kind.
Should something come up where you cannot financially fulfill your commitment to your/your child’s lessons, we appreciate and encourage notice and open, ongoing communication.
Additional Lessons
Students registered in the monthly membership plan may purchase additional lessons beyond the weekly scheduled lessons on a first come first served basis at the membership pricing.
The studio reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes. If your teacher must miss a lesson and the studio cannot arrange a substitute, you will be notified and your lesson will be rescheduled or, on rare occasions, your lesson will be refunded.
At least 24-hours notice of cancellation is required to be eligible for a make-up lesson option. If 24-hours notice is provided the student will be issued a make-up lesson credit to be used as payment for their make-up lesson. Make-up lessons cannot be scheduled at the same time as the regularly scheduled lesson time. Private lesson students are allowed 6 make-up lessons per calendar year. The make-up lesson must be scheduled within 30-days of the missed lesson. If the make-up lesson credits are not used within 30-days from the missed lesson they will expire and the makeup credit will be forfeited. Make up lessons are offered as a courtesy. If the available time slots do not work for your schedule, additional times will not be offered and your make up credits will be forfeited if they have not been used within 30-days. Once a make up lesson has been scheduled it cannot be rescheduled. If you are unable to attend your make up lesson time, your make up credit will be forfeited.
Make Up Lesson Options
Choose an open time slot from the studio calendar to make up for the missed lesson. Lesson times lots are in 30-minute increments. If your lessons are 45-minutes or 60-minutes, choose 2 lesson time slots that are next to each other on the calendar to reserve enough time for your full lesson time.
Join any group class by registering the studio calendar. There will not be any refund or credit for the difference in price.
Joining a master class of the same or lesser value as your private lesson (If the master class is a higher price than your regular lesson, your fee for the master class will be reduced by the amount of your lesson to cover your make up request.)
Discontinuing Lessons
Every student stops taking lessons at some point. Please make this decision thoughtfully with plenty of discussion between the teacher, parent, and student so that lessons can cease with a positive sense of closure. For this reason, the studio requests a one (1) month/thirty (30) day written notice. The student must finish the month paid in full or forfeit any unused lessons, as there are no refunds given. If appropriate, a parent/student-teacher conference may be scheduled before the last lesson to establish if this might be a temporary setback that can be resolved. If, after terminating your lessons, you decide to return to the studio, you will need to fill out a new Registration Form and pay the $15 registration fee. All current studio pricing and policies will be effective at the time of registration.
Group Class Policies
All group classes are paid on the Monthly Membership Plan. Group Classes are held weekly for the full duration of the class session. The Fall session runs from September through December and the Spring session runs from January through May or June as stated on the "Lessons and Classes" page. See the Studio Calendar dates below for a list of studio closures. Monthly tuition is based on the number of classes each month. Tuition is collected on AutoPay on the 28th of the previous month. For example, if you are paying for classes for the month of May, your payment would be collected on April 28th. If an AutoPay card is declined, and tuition remains unpaid, the account will be charged a 20% late fee 2 days after the payment collection was attempted. If the balance is not paid in its entirety within 7 days from the card decline, the student may not attend their lessons until payment has been made in full. It is the responsibility of the client to inform Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC of any expired cards, changes in card numbers, lost or stolen cards, etc. You can adjust your AutoPay credit card from the studio portal at anytime. Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC will not relinquish the payment responsibility of the client for any reason, nor will they authorize extended late payment plans. If an account remains unpaid for 30 days, the appropriate collections agency will be contacted.
Group Class Tuition 2024
Membership Price
45-Minute Classes are $17 each
60-Minute Classes are $20 each
Drop-In Price
45-Minute Classes are $22 each
60-Minute Classes are $25 each
Drop-in classes will be charged at the time of scheduling to hold your place in the class. If you must cancel your appointment for your drop-in class, 24-hours notice is required. If 24-hours notice is given, you will be issued a make up credit for the class to be used to pay for your next drop-in class. In the event that you are not able to continue with your drop-in classes a full refund will only be given if at least 24-hours notice of cancelation was given.
There is a $15 annual registration fee charged to all students on the 1st of January.
There is a returned check fee of $25 if a check is returned to our bank for non-sufficient funds. If a payment is returned, the payee must bring all payments up to date, including the returned check fee, by the beginning of the student’s next lesson or within 7 business days, whichever comes first.
Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studios does not issue refunds of any kind.
Should something come up where you cannot financially fulfill your commitment to your/your child’s classes, we appreciate and encourage notice and open, ongoing communication.
The studio reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes. If your teacher must miss a lesson and the studio cannot arrange a substitute, you will be notified and your class will be credited to your next tuition bill.
At least 24-hours notice of cancellation is required to be eligible for a make-up class option. If 24-hours notice is provided the student will be issued a make-up lesson credit to be used as payment for their make-up class. Make-up classes cannot be scheduled at the same time as the regularly scheduled class time. Group class students are allowed 6 make-up lessons per calendar year. The make-up class must be scheduled within 30-days of the missed class. If the make-up class credits are not used within 30-days from the missed class they will expire and the makeup credit will be forfeited. Make up class are offered as a courtesy. If the available time slots do not work for your schedule, additional times will not be offered and your make up credits will be forfeited if they have not been used within 30-days.
Make Up Class Options
Joining another group class other than the class or classes you are already enrolled in
Joining a master class of the same or lesser value as your group class (If the master class is a higher price than your regular group class, your fee for the master class will be reduced by the amount of your group class to cover your make up request.)
Scheduling a private lesson with any studio teacher (Since the private lesson is a higher price than your regular group class, your fee for the private lesson will be reduced by the amount of your group class to cover your make up request.)
Discontinuing Classes
Every student stops taking classes at some point. Please make this decision thoughtfully with plenty of discussion between the teacher, parent, and student so that lessons can cease with a positive sense of closure. For this reason, the studio requests a one (1) month written notice. The student must finish the remainder of the current month paid in full or forfeit any unused lessons, as there are no refunds given. If appropriate, a parent/student-teacher conference may be scheduled before the last lesson to establish if this might be a temporary setback that can be resolved. If, after terminating your lessons, you decide to return to the studio, you will need to fill out a new Registration Form and pay the $15 registration fee. All current studio pricing and policies will be effective at the time of registration.
Studio Calendar 2024-2025
Lesson times are based on days of regular studio operation and follow the “break” schedule listed below. However, the studio may be open for camp or other workshops during the break schedule. Check our website or email Jeanette at if you would like to know about activities offered during the break schedule.
2025 Break Schedule
There will not be any lessons on:​​
April 21-25, 2025 - Spring Break*
May 26, 2025 - Memorial Day
July 4, 2025 - 4th of July
September 1, 2025 - Labor Day
December 22, 2025-January 2, 2026 - Winter Break*
*Break Camps may be available on these days. Check out “Programs” tab for updated info.
The studio will operate and all lessons and classes are still in session during all holidays not listed above (unless otherwise announced by Jeanette).
COVID-19 Safety Procedures & Additional Class Info
We are adjusting as the state and county health and safety regulations continue to change. We will no longer require masks to be worn in the studio, however, we highly recommend it. To ensure the safety of all students, their families and our staff, we will continue to provide hand sanitizer at the studio. We will no longer take anyone's temperature when they enter the studio, but please do not attend lessons or classes if the student or anyone in the household has experienced any cold or flu symptoms in the past 48-hours. If the student is feeling sick, please notify us.
If a student has any cold or flu symptoms they should not attend their lesson or class. If a student has any cold or flu symptoms, they must either show proof of a negative COVID-19 test or wait at least 5-days after symptoms have subsided before returning to the studio.
Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC cannot guarantee that you will not become infected with COVID-19.
Further, participation could increase your risk of contracting COVID-19.
By electronically signing the waiver agreement on the Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio registration form, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by participation; and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC employees, contractors, volunteers, and program participants and their families.
I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I may experience or incur in connection with my participation at Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC. On my behalf, I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC, its employees, contractors, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. I understand and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC, its employees, contractors, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation at Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC.
I represent that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or illness I may suffer or cause while participating in this activity, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or illness myself. I further represent that I have no medical or physical condition that could interfere with my safety in this activity, or else I am willing to assume –and bear the costs of – all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition.
In the event that I file a lawsuit, I agree to do so in the state where Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC is located, and I further agree that the substantive law of that state shall apply. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
By signing this document, I agree that if I am exposed or infected by COVID-19 during my participation in this activity, then I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against the parties being released on the basis of any claim for negligence.
I have had sufficient time to read this entire document and, should I choose to do so, consult with legal counsel prior to signing. Also, I understand that this activity might not be made available to me if I were to choose not to sign this release. I have read and understood this document and I agree to be bound by its terms.
If I have signed a separate general waiver of liability connected to my participation at Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC, I agree that the terms of that waiver are wholly incorporated into this document and that the terms of this document are incorporated into the separate general waiver.
I agree that I will practice safe social distancing and clean hygiene during my participation at Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC.
If the participant is under the age of 18, in consideration of the minor being permitted to participate in this activity, I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Releases from any claims alleging negligence which are brought by or on behalf of minor or are in any way connected with such participation by minor.
We appreciate your understanding as we adjust to these new health and safety procedures.
All students attending in-person lessons must follow all studio guidelines and procedures. If these guidelines and procedures are not followed, the student will be asked to continue lessons virtually.
General Studio Policies
Care of Students
The studio is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Parents with students under the age of 5 are to remain in the studio during classes. Students are not to be left at the studio for excessive time before or after class. Since the entrance to the studio is not visible from the parking lot, please walk your child to the door and pick them up from the door for their safety. Studio staff is not responsible for your child before entering and after exiting the studio.
Vacations/Taking Time Off
Students taking extended vacations or time off during regular hours of studio operation are required to pay the regular monthly membership tuition in full in order to continue reserving the student’s lesson time. Remember you are allowed 6 make-up lessons per calendar year.
Temporary Leave
In the event that a student leaves the studio without paying for their designated time slot, the slot will not be reserved and there is no guarantee that any slot will be available upon the student’s return. In this case, the returning student will be placed on the waiting list. At least one month of written notice is required when taking a temporary leave.
When you refer a new student you will receive a $20 credit on your next tuition invoice. Once the referred student has filled out their registration form, listing you as the person who referred them, and made their payment for their first month's tuition, first full priced pay-as-you-go lesson or musical theater or camp program, you will receive the credit on your account to go towards your next payment to the studio.
Material Usage
All students are expected to have sheet music for each song they choose to work on or script for each scene or monologue they choose to work on during their private lessons. All materials will be provided for group classes unless the student is preparing a solo. If a student is working on a solo for a group class, they are responsible for providing their own sheet music or script. Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC is a digital reseller for Hal Leonard, so the first copy of sheet music for a song that the student will be working on can be purchased from the studio. If the student loses their sheet music or script and needs a new copy for any reason, a re-copying fee of $1 per song or scene script will be charged. Additional fees may apply to songs or scripts that are more than 6 pages.
Students taking piano, guitar, and ukulele lessons will be required to purchase the course method book used by their instructor. Books can be purchased from Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio or any other bookseller as long as it is the same book suggested by the teacher. If the student will be working on a song that is not included in their book, they will need to purchase the sheet music for their lessons.
All materials for group classes will be given to the students at not additional charge. If the student loses their sheet music or script and needs a new copy for any reason, a re-copying fee of $1 per song or scene script will be charged. Additional fees may apply to songs or scripts that are more than 6 pages.
All recordings, karaoke tracks, sheet music, and scripts given to the student are to be used for educational purposes only. No duplication of these items is permitted.
All students are welcome and encouraged to participate in our bi-annual showcase performances. Performing in front of a live audience of their peers and families validates a student's hard work and gives them a way to showcase what they have learned and accomplished. For more information about the showcase performance, please visit the "Showcase" page on our website under the "Shows" dropdown menu. Other performance opportunities may be available throughout the year.
Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC staff is not allowed to give out student or teacher information, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or home addresses. All student and employee information is considered confidential.
Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC communicates all important matter through email. Please make sure to provide us your current email address(es) on your registration form and add and to your list of contacts to ensure you receive all emails from us. Please update us immediately when an email address changes. Please check and read all emails from us regularly in order to keep up-to-date on important information from the studio.
Dismissal & Termination
Should any of the following situations occur after parental notification has been made along with time provided to correct the situation, dismissal/lesson termination will result:
Failure to make payments promptly
Failure to maintain practice standards
Persistent unexcused absences or tardiness
Failure to honor studio policies
Inappropriate or disrespectful behavior, theft, and/or misbehavior in the studio.
I hereby release and hold harmless Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC, its directors, employees, instructors, guest instructors, and volunteers from any and all claims, causes of action, suits or liability, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of, or in connection with, any loss, personal injury, death, or other damage that I may incur or suffer by reason or as a result of my enrollment or participation in classes, events, performances, and private lessons with Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC. I expressly assume the risk associated with performing arts and all other events and programs and performances sponsored by Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC. I certify that the students listed above are in good health and capable of participating in all activities and classes. In an emergency, I authorize Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC to take such temporary measures as Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC deems appropriate. I hereby give permission to Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC to take photographs and/or videos of students listed above that will become permanent/sole property of Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC. I consent to the use of such materials for promotional purposes by Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC. I agree to pay my account in full when due. I also agree to pay any and all fees associated with the collection of any outstanding balances on my account. I understand that all tuition payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. I understand that there are no credits or refunds given for missed classes. I understand that disruptive behavior (rude comments towards students, parents, and Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC instructors, physical contact with other students, the lack of discipline during class, etc.) may require the instructor to dismiss a student from class. I agree to abide by all Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio, LLC policies and will direct any comments or suggestions directly to the owner.