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Please fill out the registration form below at least 24-hours before the start time of the camp of your choice. One form must be submitted for each child attending camp. Once the form is received, you will be emailed an invoice. Invoices are sent out manually, so please be patient. It may take up to 24-hours for your invoice to be sent.

Camp Registration

December 23rd is no longer available.

Performing Arts Camps

1.) The full payment for the camp days chosen is due at the time of registration. There are no refunds for any reason. 2.) I understand the campers may range in ages 5-12, and spots are available on a first come first serve basis. 3.) I must disclose to Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio any special needs my child may have and agree to provide arrangements as required by camp staff. Failure to do so may result in the termination of camp participation and/or removal from camp. 4.) I allow my child to participate in any promotional pictures or videos from the camp. 5.) I understand there are no refunds if my child is absent due to illness, withdraws early or is removed from camp due to behavior or discipline problems. 6.) Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio reserves the right to substitute activities as necessary. 7.) Space is limited - register early to ensure a spot. 8.) Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio reserves the right to cancel a camp session if the enrollment is insufficient. In the event of a cancelled session, Jeanette Airen Performing Arts Studio will refund in full or apply tuition to another session. 9.) On behalf of my child and for myself, I knowingly assume all risks arising from participation in activities related to camp programming and I understand that all studio policies as stated on our website's "Policies & Pricing" page ( are being enforced and apply to all in-person and online activities. I certify that I have legal authority to sign this release/waiver of liability and sign it electronically without duress or coercion.*

Thanks for registering.

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